Summer Accessories


Because lying by the beach on a comfy bean bag, contemplating the seas and the skies, is a wonderful thing to do. 

Chilly Bags are quality bean bags that look great by the pool, in your homes and of course at the beach, with you lounging on it. 

They are waterproof and so comfy - you'll never want to get off them. 

Chilly Bags are available in 2 forms: Classic Edition (180 cm x 130 cm) and Kids Edition (130 cm x 90 cm)

There are 15 gorgeous colors to choose from: cream, brown, black, red, wine, orange, grey, purple, green, dark green, pink, light blue, blue, dark blue and yellow. 

We sell the Chilly Bags either fully filled (big and fluffy) or flat-packed, for your convenience. 

Chilly Bags
Classic Edition
Kids Edition

Click here to order right now! 

You can check out more about the Chilly Bags at if you like!

To get one of your own, just submit an order form indicating the number of Chilly Bags, the color(s) you want, whether you want them filled or flatpacked, and your postal address, so we can mail it to you. It's that easy!